How to Know Where the Well Is Located

Before Installing Submersible Pumps in Drill Wells, We Must Know Where the Well Is Located First

One of the pumps that is quite widely used in well drills is submersible pumps. How not, the pump that is also known as a dip pump or plant pump can be used for very deep wells, which can reach more than 30 meters or even hundreds of meters and still be able to drain groundwater so that we can use it as needed. However, before we go too far in discussing the installation of this submersible pump, we must know how to get groundwater that we can drill properly first.

Usually drill wells are needed in major cities where shallow well water is contaminated by various impurities as well as hazardous chemicals. Not only that, drill wells can offer a very abundant water source, something that is needed by submersible pumps in order to work smoothly without any interruptions.

The first way we have to do in determining where we will install the well drill is to take into account the distance from the waste wc, bathroom, to dirty waterways. Usually, the minimum distance from the area is 5 meters if the soil is clay type and 7.5 meters for sandy soil. Drill wells should also be equipped with pipe casings that can limit wells from contamination of less clean water.

There is a unique way to determine the position of drill wells that will indicate the presence of abundant water sources. We can use a handful or two of kitchen salt that can be placed at some point of the ground at night which is then covered with a can of nape for 7 to 8 hours. If the salt left at some point stays small or even exhausted, then it is possible that this point has a lot of clean water. In addition, we can also use banana leaves that are placed at some point on the ground at 9 to 10 pm. If on these leaves there is a lot of dew attached, then most likely there is an abundant source of water underneath. On the contrary, dried banana leaves will indicate a lack of water sources given the absence of moisture.


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